Pre-flight Checks for Imminent Release of v5.2.3

Release v5.2.3 is now pretty much ready to go. If all goes well, I’d like to get it out on Sunday 31st July, falling back to Tuesday 2nd August if there’s a delay.

So, this is one last chance to check that everything is OK before we go ahead. There are a number of ways you can help:

  • Perform a test upgrade of your own wikis to check that everything works as expected
  • Read the release note, and raise a question if anything isn’t clear
  • Try out the new features and read the docs

The prerelease can be found here:

You can upgrade here:

This has turned out to be another release that doesn’t have any single huge new feature, but instead features around 60 smaller improvements. Taken together, they represent a big step forwards towards our goals of improving quality, flexibility and usability.

As ever, I am sincerely grateful for all the hard work from our contributors and community. There are nearly 30 GitHub contributors listed in the release note, and of course an even larger group of contributors here in the forum.


In the release notes, the line

is duplicated.

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Thanks @Yaisog, I’ve committed a fix.