A solution was proposed by @Sii @BurningTreeC to post directly from inside Tiddlywiki to https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ (Discourse).
These are the steps
- Create a tiddler tagged
and place this code inside
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[$:/tags/Discourse]]">
<$wikify name=url text="""http://talk.tiddlywiki.org/new-topic?title={{{ [{!!title}encodeuricomponent[]] }}}&body={{{ [{!!text}encodeuricomponent[]] }}}{{{ [all[current]get[category]has[subcategory]encodeuricomponent[]] :reduce[<..currentTiddler>get[subcategory]encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[/]addprefix<currentTiddler>addprefix[&category=]] :else[all[current]get[category]encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[&category=]] }}}{{{ [all[current]tags[]] -[[$:/tags/Discourse]] +[encodeuricomponent[]] +[split[ ]join[,]] +[addprefix[&tags=]] }}}""">
<a href=<<url>> target="_blank" class="tc-tiddlylink">{{$:/language/PostToDiscourse/Hint}}</a>
- Create the tiddler
and write something like “Post to Discourse” in its text field
- Then all tiddlers tagged
will have a “Post to Discourse” link at the bottom - All additional tags to the tag
will show up as tags in the Discourse dialogue - The field “category” of the tiddler is used to set the category, the field “subcategory” is used to set the subcategory
More information:
- For more information see the original post here Admin: What about posting to Discourse via URL?
- Note that this uses a feature of the current Tiddlywiki prerelease (5.2.0) in the
filter run prefix (the..currentTiddler
variable) see here