Possible to open tiddler links directly in edit mode?

Hello All,

New TW user here, looking forward to learning this incredible tool! I am finding that very frequently I see a link in my wiki and know that I want to edit the contents of the tiddler and not just view them.

As far as I know, I have to open the tiddler first and then click the edit button. Is there a way to use the keyboard in combination with the left click to open the tiddler directly in edit mode? i.e. alt+left-click or ctrl+shift+left-click?

Thank you,

The idea sounds quite practical. I don’t know of and couldn’t find anything like it. I suspect that it would require JS to detect the modifier+click, and the $link widget might have to be overridden.
It probably wouldn’t be too difficult to implement by someone fluent in JS, but that someone isn’t me.

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I did have a look at the core code. It seems the link widget does set a navigateSuppressNavigation info, when we click a link with CTRL - click. But it will always create a tm-navigate event.

There seems to be no wikitext mechanism in place, that would allow us to control eg: ALT - click and create a tm-edit instead.

So I think we would even need to modify the core. – I can not remember, that this request has come up before. I think it’s a very specific usecase. Most of the link-widget code is 8++ years old.

So it would make sense to make it more flexible, but IMO this will not happen soon.

Can a custom widget for links solve this ?

Thank you all for the followup - I’m glad to know that I hadn’t just missed something obvious. @saqimtiaz - I will try the Links Context Menu Plugin, it gets me a bit closer to the link behavior I’m after!