Possible field editing bug in 5.2.2?

when I add a field in the tiddler editor, enter a value and press Ctrl-Enter (without clicking the “Add” button first), it used to be that the field was added with the value that was currently entered in the edit input. In 5.2.2 the field created this way is added to the tiddler, but with an empty value. I verified this on tiddlywiki.com.
This may be a side effect of the div-in-span clean-up?
Please verify and correct.
Have a nice day

Thank you for the heads up. This also seems related to the edit template changes introduced in PR 6511.

I have left a note there: Allow the rendering of fields within the Edit Template to be extended by FlashSystems · Pull Request #6511 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

Hello Yaisog,
thank you for the bug report. saqimtiaz is right. I was not aware that just pressing Ctrl-Enter works for saving the new field and the tiddler, and therefore have not tested this behaviour. I’ve created a fix to correct this bug.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Just so it is not missed; the same(?) feature exists for when creating a field and adding a value and, without clicking “add”, you directly save the tiddler. This also stores the new field+value.