Possible bug with links to missing tiddlers in 5.3.3?

The screenshot below shows what I think is an inconsistent GUI state: it shows a link to an existing tiddler, but it’s being rendered as a link to a missing tiddler.

More details:

  • The <a> tag has the tc-tiddlylink-missing class.
  • The link is functional; clicking it navigates to the tiddler.
  • As the screenshot shows, only links fail to re-render; transclusions referring that other tiddler are processed correctly.

I’m wondering, should I report this as a bug? This happens regardless of browser, with a brand new wiki.


Hi @jerojasro

Does the bug persist if you disable then re-enable the preview?


nope; after re-enabling the link is rendered correctly.

I can confirm the bug is visible on tiddlywiki.com, not only in edit-mode preview but also in view mode.
Looks like there’s a refresh problem.


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I couldn’t reproduce on tiddlywiki.com, without deleting the “another tiddler” tid.


I managed to reproduce this on the empty edition:

  • Create a tiddler foo that links to bar, which then shows up as missing
  • Create a tiddler bar - the link in the foo tiddler still shows up as missing
  • Edit and save foo - bar now shows up as not missing
  • Delete the bar tiddler - bar continues to show up as not missing within foo

I used git bisect to track this down to 62bb8affa.

…and digging in a little deeper, it looks like the changes introduced in 08d6560 may be the culprit!

I think I found the issue, and have submitted a pull request to fix it. I’m willing to add a test for this as well, assuming that’s straightforward - I know some aspects of TiddlyWiki are harder to write automated tests for!


Thanks @jerojasro for the report, and thank you to @hoelzro for the fix, much appreciated.