Positioning popups triggered by a button in a table

Is there a simple way to get popups triggered by buttons in a table to show up relative to the buttons rather than the containing tiddler? The positioning works correctly for buttons that are not in a table, but from buttons within a table, the popup is positioned at the top of the tiddler.

Import the attached tiddler (assuming I attached it correctly) to see the behaviors described above.

Button Test Tiddler.tid (893 Bytes)



Hi there is an open PR at Github which should fix that. You may head over there and “bump” the PR.

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Thank you pmario! It’s nice to verify that it wasn’t something I had inadvertently caused. I will “bump” the PR as soon as I figure out how!

I also support the PR and gave a thumb up!

Also pmario: thank you for the work you’ve put into this.

I did a bit of code review, but that’s about it. @FlashSystems did create the PR and invested time to fix the problem.

“Bumping” a PR means, that you add a comment to the Conversation section at the PR. If someone new adds a comment every dev “watching” the PR will get informed. So a pending pull request gets “new” attention. That’s meant by “bumping” and issue or a pull request.

A :+1: emoji should already trigger the mechanism. …