Phone 101 -- basic issues

This is not uncommon now …

A: Do you know if there is a way to enlarge the text on this?

B: FYI on Desktop … “Ctrl +” = larger; “Ctrl -” = smaller; “Ctrl 0” = normal size.

A: Thank you, but I don’t have a computer I’m just using my phone

B: It is more difficult on phone!

A: :upside_down_face: LOL yes!

How can we aid PHONE-ONLY users?


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You can adjust the font size in settings > appearance > theme tweaks

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We can set up a gofundme account so they can all have desktops!

I’m sure someone will suggest zooming in/out. However, the problem with zoom is that it moves the text off-screen.

I have a really primitive tool for setting the font for whatever size I need. I use it with dynamic css, so the display, edit, and preview all come very close to the same viewing size. Here’s a sample (on the desktop, because it’s about 6 times easier to get a screenshot than on a phone).


Could we incorporate the screen width into the font size? maybe a custom mobile theme that does something along the lines of, font-size:calc(100vw + 1em); or something a bit more realistic?

There could also be buttons added to TW to adjust the font size on the fly in incremental values?

I personally really enjoy using my TW on my phone for those ‘in the moment’ thoughts that I don’t want to forget, and imagining someone not being able to have that convenience is a little troubling to me.

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Have you seen j.d themes + palettes. She solved this before!
For example see: jd’s — (
Look at the two buttons at the top left:
one increase font size, the other decrease!

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That is useful to know as the end-user can click but disability makes pinch-zoom very difficult for them. So that may be very useful.


Right. Pinch-zoom is great if you can do it. The user is disabled and lacks the precise manual coordination needed for that, unfortunately.

We can zoom with pinch on android tiddlywiki, but I think we need more code if we wanted this to instead trigger tiddlywikis standard zoom features.

  • That is; use the mouse roller or ctrl+ or Ctrl- on keyboard on desktop
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I have my vanilla font metrics expressed in percentages set to 95% for bodyfontsize and 135% for bodylineheight.

So perhaps there is a way to create a button that increments those values?

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