Other themes for Discourse

@Mohammad asks:

Are there other themes out there to be selected based on the user’s taste and need?

There may be! Anyone is welcome to research Discourse themes, and we can discuss which can be installed. I believe in that same thread the Sam’s Simple Theme was already noted as helpful.

Here’s a link I researched about a guide to Discourse themes:

And here is a list of public themes and theme components for Discourse:

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Continuing the discussion from [tw5] Use Talk Tiddlywiki instead of Google Forum:

From @Charlie_Veniot :

My big annoyance at the moment: I have a nice 27 inch display and almost half of the width is used up by obscenely sized margins on left and right side, forcing me into more scrolling up and down. (Not an issue when viewing list of topics; is an issue when viewing a specific topic.)

@boris are there other themes to be added to address above issue?

I had already answered your question here. Anyone in the community is welcome to do research to help with these issues.