Hi all,
My monthly contribution to the TiddlyWiki OpenCollective recently started failing, claiming that my payment method was invalid – but it isn’t, the card is still active and I use it every day. It continued failing over the course of a month, then booted me out of the collective. I went back and tried to sign up again, and it says:
The problem actually appears to be some kind of Stripe authorization issue – when attempting to update the existing payment method earlier, I got this:
I contacted OpenCollective support after the first instance, and they sent an email addressed to “Fission Admins” and cc’d me, so I think they were trying to get in touch with the TiddlyWiki project – but nobody ever replied or addressed the issue.
Hoping we can get this fixed so I can continue contributing to the TiddlyWiki project! Let me know if I should be bothering someone else again instead.