OpenCollective payment issues

Hi all,

My monthly contribution to the TiddlyWiki OpenCollective recently started failing, claiming that my payment method was invalid – but it isn’t, the card is still active and I use it every day. It continued failing over the course of a month, then booted me out of the collective. I went back and tried to sign up again, and it says:

The problem actually appears to be some kind of Stripe authorization issue – when attempting to update the existing payment method earlier, I got this:

I contacted OpenCollective support after the first instance, and they sent an email addressed to “Fission Admins” and cc’d me, so I think they were trying to get in touch with the TiddlyWiki project – but nobody ever replied or addressed the issue.

Hoping we can get this fixed so I can continue contributing to the TiddlyWiki project! Let me know if I should be bothering someone else again instead.

@boris any guidance you could provide would be immensely appreciated.

@sobjornstad could you please forward/copy the text of the email from OpenCollective support in a message to either Jeremy or myself?

This same issue happened to me and due to this friction I am not contributing at the moment, hope this gets fixed soon

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Forwarded to you, Jeremy, and Boris

I’ve dropped Boris a DM on Bluesky, and will let you know when I hear from him.

Any updates here? No hurry, just checking in.

I read something that OpenCollective gets dissolved by the end of 2024.

Maybe that’s the problem?

Good spot, but the issue started before this announcement.

Also, if I’m reading this whole thing correctly (this headline is incredibly confusingly written given the similarity of all the names here), this dissolution actually doesn’t impact us at all. Open Collective Foundation is a specific “fiscal host” that works with OpenCollective. TiddlyWiki uses Fission as its fiscal host, not OCF, so nothing will change for us.



You read it correct. BUT it is not just confusing—it is maybe “polluting”?

Though not confusing for informed insiders like you!
But for folk outside?
It is confusing!

Okay, cut to the chase.

Say, a person wants to donate monthly to TW?

- How do they do it (now)?

  • Where?
  • How much (guide)?
  • When?

Is it secure?

What is their money used for?

Just queries

Thanks for the clarification. :blush:
I was a bit worried about my donated money.

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