One line of code in Krystal is crashing other Layouts - can I remove it?

Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null header $:/plugins/krystal/plugin.js:77

The Krystal Plugin is not meant to work as a plugin that can be switched off. So - when transforming it to work as a layout - one Line of code requiring its header causes a bug when switching to another layout causes an error. How can I remove it?

Sorry for pasting the whole thing because my attempt to remove it caused other errors…

title: $:/plugins/krystal/plugin.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: startup

Sets plugin behavior

(function () {
  const STORY_TIDDLER_TITLE = "$:/StoryList";
  const ACTIVE_LINK_CLASS = "krystal-link--active";
  const MAXIMIZED_TIDDLER_CLASS = "krystal-tiddler__frame--maximized";

  const KRYSTAL_CONFIG = {
    highlight: "$:/plugins/krystal/config/highlight",
    tiddlerwidth: "$:/plugins/krystal/config/tiddlerwidth",

  exports.after = ["render"];

  exports.startup = function () {

    window.addEventListener("resize", header);

    const throttledTiddlerFrameEffects = throttle(tiddlerFrameEffects, 100);
    window.addEventListener("scroll", throttledTiddlerFrameEffects, true);

    $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-remove", tiddlersCount);
    $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-scroll", function (event) {
      if (event.type === "tm-scroll") {

    $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-maximize", function (event) {
      if (event.type === "tm-maximize") {

    $tw.hooks.addHook("th-navigating", closeTiddlersToRight);

    $"change", highlightOpenTiddlerLinks);
    $"change", reinitiateTiddlerFrameEffects);

  function highlightOpenTiddlerLinks(changes) {
    if (!$tw.utils.hop(changes, STORY_TIDDLER_TITLE)) {

    const config = $;

    if (config && config.fields && config.fields.text === "disable") {

    const tiddlers = $;

      (link) => link.classList.remove(ACTIVE_LINK_CLASS)

    tiddlers.forEach((tiddler) => {
          `.tc-tiddler-body a[href="#${encodeURIComponent(tiddler)}"]`
      ).forEach((link) => link.classList.add(ACTIVE_LINK_CLASS));

  function header() {
    const height = document.querySelector(".krystal-header").offsetHeight;

  function tiddlersCount(event) {
    const { widget } = event;
    var tiddlersCount = widget.list.length;"--tiddler-count", tiddlersCount);

  function scroll(event) {
    const { target: tiddlerElement } = event;
    const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 960px)");

    if (mediaQueryList.matches) {
      var storyRiver = tiddlerElement.parentElement;

      var tiddlers = Array.from(
      var tiddlerPosition = tiddlers.indexOf(tiddlerElement);
      var tiddlerWidth = $
      var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;

      var position = windowWidth / 2 - tiddlerWidth / 2;
      var newRiverPosition = Math.max(
        tiddlerPosition * tiddlerWidth - position,

      storyRiver.scroll({ left: newRiverPosition, behavior: "smooth" });
    } else {
      tiddlerElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });

  function tiddlerFrameEffects() {
    var tiddlers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".tc-tiddler-frame"));
    var tiddlersCount = tiddlers.length;

    if (tiddlersCount === 0) {

    var offset = 100;
    var tiddlerPadding = Number(
      window.getComputedStyle(tiddlers[0]).paddingRight.slice(0, -2)
    var tiddlerWidth = tiddlers[0].offsetWidth;
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;

    tiddlers.forEach(function (tiddler, i) {
      if (i === 0) {

      var tiddlerTitle = tiddler.querySelector(".krystal-tiddler__title");

      // Edit Template
      if (!tiddlerTitle) {

      var previousTiddler = tiddlers[i - 1];
      var previousTiddlerTitle = previousTiddler.querySelector(

      var x = tiddler.getBoundingClientRect().left;

      var start = x < offset + i * tiddlerPadding;
      var end =
        x > windowWidth - (offset + (tiddlersCount - i) * tiddlerPadding);

      var startOverlay = x < tiddlerWidth + (i - 1) * tiddlerPadding;

      tiddler.classList.toggle("krystal-tiddler__frame--overlay", startOverlay);

      if (previousTiddlerTitle) {

        if (!end) {

      if (start) {

      if (end) {
      } else {
        if (!startOverlay) {


  function reinitiateTiddlerFrameEffects(changes) {
    if (!$tw.utils.hop(changes, STORY_TIDDLER_TITLE)) {
    var duration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration() || 0;
    setTimeout(tiddlerFrameEffects, duration);

  function closeTiddlersToRight(event) {
    const storyTiddler = $;
    const tiddlers = $;

    const navigateFrom = event.navigateFromTitle;
    const navigateTo = event.navigateTo;

    const config = $

    if (config && config.fields && config.fields.text === "disable") {
      return event;

    // Navigating from outside open tiddlers
    if (!navigateFrom) {
      return event;

    // Destination tiddler already open
    if (tiddlers.indexOf(navigateTo) === -1) {
      const currentTiddlerIndex = tiddlers.indexOf(navigateFrom);
      const tiddlersToClose = tiddlers.slice(currentTiddlerIndex + 1);

      if (tiddlersToClose.length === 0) {
        return event;

      const newStoryList = tiddlers.filter(
        (title) => !tiddlersToClose.includes(title)

        new $tw.Tiddler({ title: STORY_TIDDLER_TITLE }, storyTiddler, {
          list: newStoryList,

    return event;

  function tiddlerFullscreen(tiddlerTitle) {
    const tiddler = document.querySelector(


  // ---

  function throttle(callback, limit) {
    var wait = false; // Initially, we're not waiting

    return function () {
      // We return a throttled function
      if (!wait) {
        // If we're not waiting; // Execute users function
        wait = true; // Prevent future invocations
        setTimeout(function () {
          // After a period of time
          wait = false; // And allow future invocations
        }, limit);

I think (hope :roll_eyes:) that I fixed it: Krystal — an experiment with a horizontal story

Rather than start a new thread, I’ll just chime in with an anomalous behavior I’ve experienced with Krystal. If it’s loaded (as a plugin) but is not the active theme, then navigation to links is not working for me (so, site looks and behaves like out-of-box vanilla tiddlywiki, but when links open their tiddlers, there’s no scrolling to bring newly opened tiddlers into view). I haven’t done rigorous trouble-shooting, but it seems worth mentioning here in case any other Krystal users have ideas…

Okay, I see buttons to switch in and out are still an issue.

That is at least the effect of the crystal Story view. What happens If you add the layout with ctrl+shift+L

@JanJo, I’m sorry I don’t follow what it would mean – to add layout with strg L… ?

Pardon me it is ctrl+shift+L to get the Layout-Switcher-Modal

For some Layouts, it is a problem that the storyview is not switched at the same time.
In the buttons for my Krystal version I made a different Layout-Switcher therefore.

It is another Problem, that switching layouts everything changes, there is no standart place for a switchbutton.