Node.js served wiki: saving and reloading temp tiddlers

I needed to enable saving some temp tiddlers on node.js to facilitate development and found setting that up a bit more involved than expected. In case anyone else runs into the same need, the filters in both $:/config/SyncFilter and $:/core/save/all needed to be adjusted.

The latter surprised me at first but it makes sense since that is the template the node.js sever renders to serve the wiki.

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Instead of modifying $:/core/save/all, you can define a global macro named publishFilter that contains the necessary filter adjustments. Thus:

To “save/serve” all $:/temp tiddlers, create a tiddler (e.g., “$:/config/PublishFilter”), tagged with $:/tags/Macro, containing:

\define publishFilter() [prefix[$:/temp]]
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Hi Eric, that is indeed what I ended up doing and also adjusted the syncFilter to also use the publishFilter, so as to not have the same logic duplicated in two different places.

Perhaps $(publishFilter)$ should be added to the TWCore version of $:/config/syncFilter? I suggest opening an “IDEA” ticket on GitHub.