No windowFeatures parameter on WidgetMessage: tm-open-window

The windowFeatures parameter is available on WidgetMessage: tm-open-external-window

I would be keen to be able to at least try windowFeatures="location=no, toolbar=no" on the WidgetMessage: tm-open-window because as I am opening tiddlers, the wikis address is not useful. And adds clutter to the window.

tm-open-window is defined in $:/core/modules/startup/windows.js
tm-open-external-window in $:/core/modules/startup/story.js

strWindowFeatures = paramObject.windowFeatures;, strWindowName, strWindowFeatures);

It’s not possible to remove the URL bar.

Mainly to protect users against phishing attacks.

If web-pages could remove the browser URL-bar, it would be possible to create a window that contains an fake-URL bar showing, but shows the content from evilsite-com and asks for your bank information.

See: Window: open() method - Web APIs | MDN

Don’t cry Tones, it’s been “gone” for 20 yrs at least. Good thing, too. Without you knowing it, it’s saved your ass a thousand times or more.

Yes and no,

I do recall the bad old days of popups.

Right now I am viewing talk.tiddlywiki in a chrome application window, no address bar to be seen, in fact nothing.

  • I would be keen to have my tiddlywiki spawn such windows, separate from the browser, I can treat as their own thing, but communicate with the parent wiki.

Except this little popup menu;

Surely If I gave a site permission, and it did not occur on File addresses?

Just because there is a reason something is hard, or impossible to do, does not change the fact we may want and have a good reason to do it :nerd_face:

Post script;

I am doing this to build a window manager for tiddlywiki

You can open with Edge and install it as an app. Where the app does not have an URL bar. So the windows you open from there do not have an URL bar too.

That’s a workaround.


Thanks @pmario

That should work for Chrome as well, if not FireFox, I will test.

  • Also there is a talk.tiddlywiki discussion on PWA’s

I will revisit my request but we permit windowsFeatures on tm-open-external-window and not WidgetMessage: tm-open-window

I did not see the difference in the parameters. You should raise an issue at GH, otherwise it will be forgotten.
But I think tm-open-window already has all parameters that can be defined. Or did we miss something?

On tm-open-external-window includes the windowFeatures and tm-open-window does not.

  • I need to revisit it but believe I tried in case it was simply missing in the document and did not see it work. But I could have done something else wrong.
  • In fact I think it was missing from the javascript.
  • I will.