New video tutorial: basic customization of TiddlyWiki

Hi everyone

I got inspired to do a video on basic customization of TiddlyWiki for new users, by a comment in the thread about getting more new users.

It covers the basics of the Control panel, mainly. Imperfectly executed, as so many unscripted tutorials tend to be, but despite the warts I think it will be helpful.

I hope, very gradually, to do a few more videos, at the very least these:

  1. Using tags like $:/tags/ViewTemplate and $:/tags/EditToolbar etc to customize tiddlers, tabs and buttons
  2. Using CSS for customization of certain elements
  3. 5 or 6 plugins I find indispensible
  4. Advanced search tiddler

@DaveGifford thanks for this effort to share and help people familiarise themselves.

I think we can all togetrher build a nice catalogue of helpful videos

Good On Ya

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