New tiddler buttons not displaying correctly in control panel => appearance => toolbars => ViewToolbar

Hi, working on my third plugin

All three of my plugins involve a new button on the Tiddler view toolbar.

I wanted to re-arrange my buttons on the tiddler toolbar so I went to the control panel.

I just noticed that my 3 buttons don’t display correctly in the

control panel->appearance->toolbars->View Toolbar

There are three lines corresponding to my buttons and they appear to work correctly but they do not display an icon or a description, I had to use the tick option to toggle display on and off to work out which line corresponded to which of my buttons. Easiest in a picture…the last 3 lines are my buttons - all missing an icon and a description.

Can anyone suggest what step I have missed out? The icons I have created (as SVG) are displaying correctly in the tiddler toolbar just not here in the control panel.

Everything is working fine and the three lines work correctly, I can re-order the buttons on the tiddler toolbar using them - it’s simply the missing items in the control panel which make it a bit more difficult working out which button is which.


Try this: give the svg/button tiddler the $:/tags/PageControls tag and add a field called caption and a field called description.

for a button i made for adding a book i have field
caption: {{$:/images/icons/book-perspective}} create new bookcase entry
description: access $:/templates/create-bookcase-entry-template

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Have a look at the core buttons, especialy their fields. They are displaying correctly so they give clues how they work.

These buttons have being around a long time and a little more complex than they need be, but in part to support multiple languages.

I have a template for creating buttons with guidence if you want?