New Site: Page to explain charter changes

Just showing off a new wiki, of limited interest to those outside my small town… except that Twikians might be interested to see that it uses a technique discussed in Using the query string to carry extra instructions.

It’s at Andover Charter Changes — 2024 Charter Referendum

This is a site to explain proposed changes to our Town Charter. The 16 questions put to voters—15 of them about such changes— are all discussed, with some analysis and recommendations. It also shows the actual proposed changes in a format more convenient than what’s so far been shared with the voters. And there’s a small amount of ancillary material.

It is incomplete. I hope to have 8 - 10 peoples’ recommendations included, there’s work to do on the overview, and there’s some cleanup. I hope to also include a suggestion from @CodaCoder in TOC macro for a forest, not a tree - #3 by CodaCoder, but that will have to wait a bit.

This has a very limited shelf-life. After the referendum on Nov. 5, it will have no real import. So I haven’t tried to get too polished, but it is similar to a number of my other data-driven wikis.

To check under the hood, CTRL-SHIFT-/ should take you out of read-only mode.

Suggestions are quite welcome!

Charter_2022.pdf (184.6 KB)

Just, because…

Or see the (unannounced) Andover Charter — 2022 Version, which is just the existing charter, but in the format used here. I created it partway through building this site, just to make sure I knew what I was working with…