As usual, I’d like to hold a competition to design the banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening HelloThere tiddler.
The unusual thing this time around is that we have very limited time. Due to a serious bug introduced by the latest version of Chrome we are trying to get v5.2.1 released as soon as possible, perhaps as soon as this weekend.
With that in mind, we’ll have to run the competition slightly differently this time:
Entries will be accepted until Friday morning at 8am UK time
To speed things up, my plan is that I should choose the winning image (I’m open to discussion here!)
The artwork should reflect some of the changes in the new version. I’ve updated the release note for the prerelease but at this point the documentation for some of the new features is not complete.
The other rules/guidelines for the competition are:
The version number (with the correct punctuation) must be clear and readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
The image must be a PNG or JPEG of exactly 560x315 pixels
The bottom 46 pixels will be obscured by the banner text “What’s new in 5.2.1” when it is displayed within HelloThere
The image need not include the word “TiddlyWiki”. The banner image is only used in contexts where it is clear that it is about TiddlyWiki
Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a runner-up in a previous competition
Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
Please give lots of feedback here to encourage the artists
Here are the posts about previous artwork competitions:
v5.2.0 -
v5.1.23 - tiddlywiki/c/cTgPWl8b_9c/m/VtrMFHBGAwAJ
v5.1.22 -
v5.1.21 -
The Chrome bug I was referring to is discussed here:
opened 08:12AM - 20 Nov 21 UTC
closed 08:48PM - 21 Nov 21 UTC
As reported here:… hrome-96-0/1605
1. open in your browser
2. create a tiddler named "TestTiddler" with text content "this is a test tiddler"
3. open in another browser tab
3. drag TestTiddler from and drop into the empty.html
5. The $:/Import shows "download.url", not "TestTiddler"
6. On import "download.url" tiddler is created with a text field containing:
`[InternetShortcut] URL=data:text/vnd.tiddler,%7B%22created%22%3A%2220211120075141902%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22this%20is%20a%20test%20tiddler%22%2C%22tags%22%3A%22%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22TestTiddler%22%2C%22modified%22%3A%2220211120075157966%22%7D`
**TiddlyWiki Configuration (please complete the following information):**
- v5.2.0
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- Windows10
- Chrome 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit) or Edge 96.0.1054.29 (Official build) (64-bit)
← saqimtiaz:dnd-fix
opened 08:35PM - 21 Nov 21 UTC
Fixes issues with drag and drop (false positives in detection for files being dr… opped) introduced by Chrome 96. Fixes #6254
* in $dropzone, do not attempt to import files if the `dataTransfer` property of the event contains the type `text/vnd.tiddler`
* in the editor, do not attempt to import files if the `dataTransfer` property of the drop event contains types other than `Files`. Testing for the type `text/plain` is consistent across browsers, this type is never present if files are being dropped.
Tested with latest Chrome and Firefox on Ubuntu and Windows 10, and latest Chrome and Safari on OSX.
Plans for the v5.2.1 release are being discussed here:
opened 04:49PM - 21 Nov 21 UTC
We've encountered a bug with drag-and-drop that was introduced by the latest Chr… ome on Windows. It's a serious issue that potentially affects a large number of users so we intend to make the v5.2.1 release as soon as possible.
We'll collect the tickets that we intend to fix and other tasks here:
* #6254
* #6164
* [ ] Documentation for #6168
* [ ] Update readme
* [ ] New release banner image competition
Please reply here with any suggestions for tickets/bugs that should be considered. The primary criteria will be urgent changes that are low risk and simple to test/verify.
Another way to say it is that we are now trying to get v5.2.1 released as quickly as possible. Therefore we're trying to figure out the minimum amount of extra work to get the release done. So there's a very high bar at this point.
Best wishes and many thanks,
Post on GG