Stx – Story top express
TLDR: Click the button at the bottom of the right side of the screen – it will take you to the top. The button design adapts to the style of your wiki.
This is more than a simple scroll-to-the-top button. Story top express (Stx) sets the focus to one of the top focusable elements. Use the button in the lower right corner of the screen or a keyboard shortcut to go to the top of the story. Try:
- cmd-Up
- ctrl-Up – I could not test this on my Mac, so I am looking for feedback – does this work for anyone? should I ship other shortcuts?
If that doesn’t work, you can configure your own shortcut in the control panel.
What is the focus?
The focus marks an element ready for action. With your keyboard you can hop from one focusable element to the next using the Tab key. So if you want to edit the tiddler at the top after hitting the Stx button, just hit Tab or shift+Tab once or twice until the edit button has the focus and hit enter.
(Setting the focus is actually the main advantage over the Home/top-of-page key you find on extended keyboards.)
How Stx works
In a standard wiki, the move to the top is a two step process:
- The focus is set to the first button in the story river – that might be the first button in the tiddler toolbar of the first tiddler. (This step is only relevant for edge cases where the second step would not work.)
- The focus is moved further to the first link in the story river.
- Usually this is the name of the last modifier of the first tiddler. Even if the name is missing, the link will be there.
- If you have chosen to display tiddler titles as links in the control panel, then the title will be the first link.
If you share your wiki with others it is highly recommendable to set a user name on the info tab of the control panel. This will improve the usablility.
Does it work for you?
The Stx plugin was carefully crafted with usefulness and accessibility in mind. If you have suggestions for improvements, please let me know.