New journal buttons - an improved approach to Journaling

In response to this discussion "New journal here" not creating unique tiddlers I have redeveloped my new journal and new journal here buttons, I have shared in the past and share them here.

  • This is not a plugin but a bundle of tiddler in a JSON file, drop on or import into your wiki. I will provide a bookmarklet tiddler to install if asked.

This package provides alternatives to the existing journal buttons, without replacing them

  • All new journals will still use the title, text and tags defined in $:/ControlPanel > Info > Basics
  • However when creating a new tiddler it will also create the journal-date field
    • This allows you to use any title for a journal, even rename tiddlers and still let you list them in the desired order.
  • Further the new journal here button allows you con optionally configure a prefix to add to the automatic title generation so you can have a new tiddler “title” every minute hour etc…

new-journals.json (7.3 KB)

Please thumbs up if you use it.

  • I want to know if the effort was worth it :nerd_face:
  • Feedback welcome.

I have a wiki with a lot of same-name tiddlers, so set my titles default for both types to

<<now “YYYY.0MM.0DD.0hh.0mm.0ss”>>

And do my titles as a prefix to that default (For searching etc), Then I set captions and use the Display caption instead of title - view template, think it is.

That way I never have to think about keeping my titles unique :slight_smile:

Nor do I of course. In the solution I gave you it is specifically for one journal a day with new journal here relating to the tiddler made unique.

However you are free to choose the Journal tittles as usually with an extra prefix option using new here.