New EditorToolbar button "wrapper" please review


The attached json installs a new editor toolbar button you can quickly use to wrap a selection such as


Where you can add and delete different “names” eg;


It is my first foray into some utility Editor toolbar buttons I hope to develop.

You can drop this on or any wiki


Suggestions or encouragement welcome

EditorToolbar-wrapper.json (5.2 KB)

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Perhaps find another way to unwrap - like holding down Shift? Or, to <wrap><wrap>target text</wrap></wrap> hold down Ctrl?

//Target text//

EDIT: Actually, thinking about it, unwrapping could be a minefield.

If I understood short cuts I would add a wrap shortcut, however this can be used to unwrap, as long as you have the correct text selection and wrapper set.

In the long run I plan to make a more advanced one with named prefix/suffix sets;
eg to wrap “selection”, a filter. Not an automatic single work prefix/suffix as currently.

<$list filter="selection">


I may be able to make a removal;

  • Copy “selection” to clipboard
  • Select whole statement
  • Open editorToolbar button
    • paste selection into a keep this field
  • Replace all with the selection wrapped differently

Eg between the above list and and
{{{ selection )))

I have been using the stamp tool (aka “insert pre-configured snippet of text”) to insert “wrapper” text. It also has the capability of defining prefix and suffix text for the text wrapper. One example I have is to make the selected text highlight in red. I defined a prefix of <mark style="background-color:#FF8484">with a suffix of </mark>. This would be a great feature for your edit button. I find your drop-down interface is quicker for the user, not to mention easier to understand for end-users when they want to add a new entry.

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