Need to rename tags. Installed "Commander" plugin. It's not working

Hello. I am new to TiddlyWiki and this community. I have been using TiddlyWiki for a couple of months.

I have created a large number of tags. Some of them are misspelled. I installed the “Commander” plugin because tag renaming is listed as one of its features.

After installing, I opened the $:/Commander tiddler. From there, I selected Tag > Replace tags. There is a droplist selector labeled “Old tag”. I expect this would contain a selectable list of all the tags I have created.

However, the droplist is empty. I cannot specify the tag I want to rename.

I have tried re-installing the plugin which has not fixed the problem. Can anyone help? Thank you.

  • TW version: 5.3.3
  • Commander version: 2.1.8
  • Browser: Safari, Version 17.5 (19618.
  • Other plugins installed: none

The first step of any Commander operation is always selecting the tiddlers you want to edit. There are some prepopulated sample filters available in the dropdown here…

but if you don’t really know what you’re looking for, here’s a general purpose filter that will catch all your non-system tiddlers with tags: [all[tiddlers]!is[system]has[tags]]

If you already know which tags you want to edit, you could use the filter [tag[MY TAG]].

This will give you a list of all the tiddlers that meet the filter condition. If you check “Selective operation”, you’ll get a checkbox per tiddler and can manually select which tiddlers you want to work with.


Otherwise (if “Selective operation” is unchecked), any changes you make will be applied to all applicable tiddlers (that meet the initial filter condition). In this case, since you do want to change all instances of the misspelled tags, you probably want an non-selective operation.

When you have a non-selective list of at least one tiddler title, or a selective list with at least one tiddler checked, the “Old tag” dropdown will populate as you’d expect.

Remember to make a backup copy before you perform any large batch operations! Commander can’t automatically revert any changes it makes; if you change your mind, you’ll need to apply the same change, but in reverse.

Let me know how it goes!


Thank you! That solved the problem.

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Not sure you want an entire plugin for that? Here is my basic tag renamer/deleter code:

As always, make a backup before performing this or similar operations.

|!Search tag: | <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/search" tag="input" type="text"/> |
|!Replace by: | <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/replace" tag="input" type="text"/> |

Tiddlers tagged {{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}}

<ol><$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}!tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]" emptyMessage="None.">

<$list filter="[!is[draft]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}]">
<$action-listops $field="tags" $subfilter="[{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}]"/>
<$action-listops $field="tags" $subfilter="-[{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}]"/>
Replace tag {{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}} -> {{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}}

Screenshot from 2024-09-07 07-04-47

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Am I or all of you missing something?

Normaly if your tags are not named in TiddlyWiki Script you can just open the tag tiddler and rename that, and it will be so.

  • Often it is only mentioned in tiddlywiki script a little and you can manually change that code.

If however you plan to do a lot of renaming and the tags are hard coded inside tiddlers eg TiddlyWikiScript, then installing the rename plugin can handle all of this automagicaly, no need for the excellent utility apps like commander.

Welcome @AspectRatio and @Stefan to the community.