Need some help on transclude each tiddlyer's icon color in to a list

i have several tiddler’s with “icon” “color” “url” fields.

now, i am going to make a list of them. the only problem is the icon color showed in the list alway grap the last list icon’s color even i have different color on each icons.

<$list filter="[tag[work_bookmarks]]">
<$transclude $tiddler="icon-template" > 
    <$fill $name="color">
<$link />
<$transclude tiddler="url_template" />

“icon-template” is show below:

.my-icon svg {
  width: auto;
  height: 1em;
  fill: <$slot $name="color"/>;

<span class="my-icon" ><$transclude $tiddler={{!!icon}}/></span>

“url_template” is like this below:

<a href={{!!url}}> {{!!title}} </a>

This is because after the listwidget renders the icon-template, several <style> element is rendered, which the last one has the highest priority, making the other CSS be ignored. To make list items use unique colors, the icon-template can be changed like this:

.my-icon svg {
  width: auto;
  height: 1em;

<span class="my-icon" style.fill=<<tiddler-color>>><$transclude $tiddler={{!!icon}}/></span>

And the listwidget:

<$list filter="[tag[work_bookmarks]]">
<$transclude $tiddler="icon-template" tiddler-color={{!!color}}/>
<$link />
<$transclude tiddler="url_template" />

A nice example of template with parameter :wink:

I would recommend using stylesheet tiddler for any CSS rule. So, I would not embed the css into the template.

While, I am a fan of template and believe they are very powerful, but for your case one another compact solution is like below

Stylesheet tiddler:
tag: $:/tags/Stylesheet
type: text/css

.my-icon svg {
  width: auto;
  height: 1em;

Procedure tiddler:

\procedure link-iconify(filter)
	<$list filter="[subfilter<filter>]">
		<span class="my-icon" style.fill={{!!color}}>
			<$transclude $tiddler={{!!icon}} $mode=inline/>


<<link-iconify "[tag[work_bookmarks]]">>



If the filter is stored in a field, you may use it as below

<$transclude $variable=link-iconify filter={{!!myfilter}}>>

this works!!! thanks

i am try to implement your compact solution, but didn’t work. attached screen shot below.

You need to move the procedure definition to “test for result” tiddler to make it available in the tiddler. Otherwise you need to make the procedure definition global (by adding a $:/tags/Global tag to “my-icon procedure tiddler”).

wow…lots to learn in Tiddlywiki, thanks!

In the resulting list, I would like to see the caption field instead of tiddler title. What should I add to the procedure tiddler?

I’ve finally found the solution:

\procedure link-iconify(filter)
	<$list filter="[subfilter<filter>]">
		<span class="my-icon" style.fill={{!!color}}>
			<$transclude $tiddler={{!!icon}}
    <$link to={{!!title}}>
      <$view field="caption" />
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