Need LeftBar in desktop mode and RightbottomBar in mobile mode

Previously I had modified the LeftBar plug in to create a RightbottomBar as shown in this wiki - . This RightbottomBar works both in desktop and mobile mode.

Now what I am trying to do is to use LeftBar in desktop mode and RightbottomBar in mobile mode (beacuse the rightbottom is the most accessible location in a mobile if you are righthanded). I tried to port the stylesheet used for RightbottomBar to the LeftBar, but the RightbottomBar was not getting activated. Always the LeftBar was only shown. Any ideas?

Without having looked closer, are you using CSS media queries? I think that is the way to go.

If you install the “Browser Sniff” plugin (from the TiddlyWiki Official Plugin Library), you can then use wikitext to apply conditional styles, like this:

\define mobileCSS()

\define desktopCSS()

<$let mobile={{{ [enlist[android ios windowsphone]addprefix[$:/info/browser/is/]get[text]match[yes]] ~[[no]] }}}>
<$list filter="[<mobile>match[yes]]" emptyMessage=<<desktopCSS>>><<mobileCSS>></$list>



Thank you @EricShulman . That was a easiest way to get what I wanted given that I already have a working CSS for LeftBar and RightbottomBar.

I had tried using media queries, but those needed much more work. So for the time being I am using Eric solution.

@EricShulman Is there any way to recognise Android tablet in landscape mode. I want the styles for Android tablet in landscape mode to same as the desktop mode.

I am not sure but you would be looking for the width and height to change? Its a simple ratio. Someone else will know the answer, I just thought I would mention this in case it helps.

You can also use core macro like this in media query