Navigating complex tiddler relationships, a discussion for the enthusiast

It was for me too, which is why I set it to 0! I am generally animation hater, function > form unless the form either improves function or at least doesn’t hinder it.

Here’s a thread for it

You mentioned that I can ask to see your solutions and I interpreted it as wanting to help me fix it for me. All in all, I am mostly used to how websites have worked since forever – you click a link and it either opens it in the same window/tab or a new one. You go back/close it and you’re back where you last clicked the button. It’s not so simple with TW since it opens all the tiddlers on the same page.

Just a note that traffic signs are no universal language – they can ever so slightly differ between countries and usually are most well understood by active drivers. Which isn’t necessarily bad, I don’t know the target audience of the wiki in question.

I am continuing on this project to support “Navigating complex tiddler relationships” and would ask if anyone would help me by collaborating it would be appreciated.

  • In the design outlined here I feel I have found away to make it clear and intuitive, not complex.

I believe I have found a good “concept design” for which I am writing and starting a “Proof of concept” demonstration for. It involves;

  • Using the metaphor of “street signs” and following a “path” but keeping is as simple as possible, reducing cognitive load.
  • When following a path generate a “Journey record”, including diversions.
  • Include Curated and automatic - paths through content (eg traverse Table of Contents) be they on a path or a diversion.
  • Handling multiple - simultaneous paths and diversions
  • Using “compound filters” that can be used in alternative views such as tutorials.
  • A way to “travel” in the content and build a path as you go, per tiddler or filter.

Collaboration can include

  • We can have a Zoom session (I live at +11 UTC)
  • Start a dedicated thread
  • Have a tiddlywhost wiki (based on to trial navigation through the documentation

any suggestions?