My new commenting system on Google sheets and Google foms. Test it please

Hi! Long ago I made Tiddlywiki static cut site for my wife (She’s an artist).
This week I add Disqus commenting system, to her site, but she didn’t like it, because free variant has a lot of advertisement.

So I have written a little script in her spreadsheet with images this script make two spreadsheets (private and shared for all) and two google forms. Script generates code from this forms and put them to cells. Tiddlywiki on load get data from this cells.
In private spreadsheet I save telephone numbers and e-mails. Script in this table can send e-mails if comment was added.

You can test in static cut Лодочка в тиши
and Tiddlywiki variant Галерея и онлайн-магазин художника Татьяны Ворониной Сайт работает на TiddlyWiki с шаблоном HEEG.HTML — @archizona_art

your comments you will see in this table HEEG_COMMENTS_220920T11_49_20_724Z - Google Spreadsheets


Very nice and useful tool.

The TiddlyWiki community never ceases to amaze me. Kudos!

Also, the UI of the portfolio site is a pleasure to look at.