Multiline Field editor plugin question

Hi everyone, especially @pmario ,

Is there a way to tweak Field Editor — multiline field editing so that a different field is displayed in the chooser by default? My process will be to edit a different field first, then edit the text field second. I am just looking to save a step in my process.

The default field is stored in this shadow tiddler:


where the select widget is specified:

<$select class="tc-tiny-gap-left" tiddler=<<targetTiddler>> field="wl-field-name-note" default="myField">

Change the default from “text” to whatever you like. :slight_smile:

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That only changes it in that tiddler, but it did not change it elsewhere. When creating a new tiddler, text is the default. Thanks, though!

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There are 2 views.

  • The full width and
  • Split width

Which one should show a different start field?

Edit: It should be possible to create 2 configuration tiddlers, to adjust the default value.

Hi Mario! Full width would be better for me. That is the one I would like to have the summary field be default.

That’s interesting. Initially, I was thinking about a “teaser” field at the top of the EditTemplate, that is always visible. Then I thought a split-screen would be more flexible.

I’ll publish a new version of the Field-Editor soon.

Not sure I am understanding everything you are trying to say.

Normally I would want the text field to be default in the field chooser in the edit template. But for this project I am having to choose the summary field from the dropdown first, and I am finding myself typing and then remembering that I didn’t change it to the summary field first. Of course, split screen as it is now, opens two text fields, since text is default for both. So I would still have to change one of them to work in the summary field.

You named it “summary”. While developing, I used the working title: “teaser”

There is a new version: Field Editor — multiline field editing – The settings are at: ControlPanel → Settings → WikiLabs → Field Editor

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Thank you, @pmario ! That works great! This is going to save me a lot of time and frustration.

Hi @pmario , Now for a specific project I am wanting to see the “split screen” (I think you call it split width?) open by default for the multiline field editor. I have a custom field and the text field, but I am finding that I have to click the split screen button for every tiddler. Normally that would be my process, but for this project I would like them both to appear side by side without having to click the button. I looked through the wikilab settings but I don’t see it.

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That’s interesting and it makes sense. There is no such configuration at the moment. I’ll create an issue at GH.

Usually in TW we use global settings as default values, if there are no user defined values.
If there are user defined state values they will win.

In your usecase the global setting should win. So I need to think about that in detail.

You will probably need to remind me, so I do not forget about the request :wink:

Thanks @pmario

Hey here is a reminder not to forget. Also because the first line wasn’t long enough to finish the post.