I think one of my dearest wishes would be three xtra feature’s for the whiteboard plugin - or anything that brings us closer to a canvass.
Since there is much talk about obsidian - obsidian’s whiteboard would be the only thing that makes me look enviously to the dark side.
So far the ability to really work with Tiddler-Content is too limited in the whiteboard. @linonetwo -if you find the time:
Could you please add
- an Add Tiddler Button that opens a searchfield to choose a tiddler to add or to write the title of a new Tidddler if nothing is found in the search.
- The ability to open a tiddler as a modal above the Board in order to edit the content, best together with the ability to change the style.
- The ability to switch between Titleview and Bodyview (or perhaps even a customizable viewtemplate for each tiddler - with the Titleview being able to show the content as a modal on click.
- The ability to zoom to a tiddler by clicking.
I think this could transform the whiteboart into the absolute TiddlyWiki Supertool.