Most Wanted 2025

I think one of my dearest wishes would be three xtra feature’s for the whiteboard plugin - or anything that brings us closer to a canvass.
Since there is much talk about obsidian - obsidian’s whiteboard would be the only thing that makes me look enviously to the dark side.
So far the ability to really work with Tiddler-Content is too limited in the whiteboard. @linonetwo -if you find the time:
Could you please add

  • an Add Tiddler Button that opens a searchfield to choose a tiddler to add or to write the title of a new Tidddler if nothing is found in the search.
  • The ability to open a tiddler as a modal above the Board in order to edit the content, best together with the ability to change the style.
  • The ability to switch between Titleview and Bodyview (or perhaps even a customizable viewtemplate for each tiddler - with the Titleview being able to show the content as a modal on click.
  • The ability to zoom to a tiddler by clicking.
    I think this could transform the whiteboart into the absolute TiddlyWiki Supertool.

I’d love for the Zoom Story View bug to be fixed. I tried looking into it a while ago but I couldn’t determine why it wouldn’t zoom to the top of a new tiddler.

It seems to occur if you’ve scrolled down on the current tiddler, then click on a link to a new one, and the new one appears scrolled down midway instead of loading with the title at the top of the storyriver.


This is perhaps a bit niche, but I’d love an easier way to set a particular tab configuration when navigating to a tiddler. I think it could be particularly useful when writing documentation/demos, as we currently see tab paths like this even in the official docs:

“You can use an $action-setfield widget to set the tab states to the appropriate values!”

Yes… but the <<tabs>> macro stores its state in a <<qualified>> system tiddler by default, so unless you’ve set a custom state parameter for each tabset you want to manipulate, you have to find the appropriate state tiddler before you can do anything with it — and there’s no human-discernible pattern to the titles. I end up using custom state tiddlers for most of the tabsets I build myself, but it’s not practical to change $:/core tabs this way.

“You could just link directly to the tiddler in question…”

Sometimes! The example above could indeed be simplified with a direct link to $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Parsing. (Thank you, Link to Tabs! How I wish you were pre-installed on TW-com.)

But I use a lot of templates, and a lot of my tabs don’t correspond to any extant tiddler; they’re just a view template providing a particular view.

“If you weren’t overusing tabs so much, you wouldn’t have this problem…”

Possible — nay, likely. :wink: But I don’t intend to stop.

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You are welcome :wink: – Since Link-to-tabs and Trails do not need to restart they are easy to install from the browser’s “Bookmarks Toolbar”

My TW-com looks like this. I drag & drop import the plugins.

I did create an experimental PR which tried to make the existing ControlPanel tab-states more accessible. They main problem is “backwards compatibility”.

To make it compatible it has to be complex. More complex than “allowed”. Tabs qualified states need 3 different ways to evaluate them, which makes the needed filters complex.


Thanks for the PR link! I should have guessed that you would have considered this before. :wink: I thought it was quite a clever approach, though Jeremy’s observation

it only works for a single tabset within a tiddler.

does mean it probably wouldn’t have covered all my needs. I suppose there isn’t any neat solution, really.

Are you using bookmarklets there? I should really set some up… I find myself going to grab one of your plugins at least once or twice a week.

Here’s a start:


This is the macro I use in, this make it easier to locate where the settings for my plugins are.

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Its not broken, its the way it works, and its not always nice. The title will be at the top if the tiddler is longer than the screen. It does not scroll all the way to allow visibility of what comes before it.

There are a few ways to change this, the simplest being extra white space in a tiddler tagged below story.

It took me some time to understand that this idea of @Mohammad is great: Tiddlywiki is a great prototyping tool, and the expanded features made it better in this. It is a Swiss-army knife, but sometimes, in the end I only need the tweezers.
In most of my wikis, three times more functions than I need and it would be elegant to deliver only what is uses.
Here a “coreshrinker” could be very helpful. Of course there is already @Flibbles uglify but the coreshrinker could go farther. As I understand, the process should be reversible. Just drag your shrunken wiki on the current updater and get back your Swiss-army-knife.


Uglify is already configured to remove features. Currently, it can remove all server features, since most people don’t need that. If there is interest, I can add more filters. Such as making it read only, or remove palette and theme configurators. Stuff like that.

Removing filter operators is trickier, since they can be glommed together in large files, and it’s hard to identify which ones are used and which ones aren’t.


Hi @Flibbles, it would be great to filter for every function and class that is not needed to build the content.

Would this work as I hoped?

A readonly option would interest a lot of people I think, me included : Search results for 'read-only' - Talk TW

Options for removing core features like unused palettes and the like would be great for tiddlyhost, usually to save space I take the time to externalize my plugins and themes on github page with the externaljs addon, but with your plugins I wouldn’t need to do that anymore :slight_smile:


All right, @telumire. Done!

I’ve pushed a new version of Uglify that can prune out all (most?) components involving editing/creating new/deleting tiddlers. It’s under the “customize” dropdown in the Uglify wizard. Here in the documentation, it lists all the shadow tiddlers it scraps as it uglifies.

I’ll properly document and make discoverable this feature in a bit, but in the meantime, I’m happy to hear feedback. I want to make sure this feature does what people needs. An “unused palettes and themes” pruner is also possible, but that’ll be another night when I have more time.

@JanJo, I hope this floats your boat too. The uglify pruner removes modules and shadow tiddlers. It can’t remove individual classes or functions (It’d be too dangerous.) But I hope this suits your needs.


I forgot the links!

Here’s the wizard.

Here’s where in the documentation it describes what the prune rule removes.


Awesome! I tested it, seems to works really well. One suggestion: the keyboard shortcut to create a tiddler still works (or at least partially, it create draft tiddlers but this doesn’t trigger the saving mechanism), imo shortcuts related to editing / creating tiddlers should be prunned too. The wiki I uglified went from 4.5MB to 2.88MB, that’s very nice. Thanks for your work @Flibbles !

I think this one is worth to be implemented. This would replace the awkward way of using the wikify widget to pass indirect parameters to macros in filters.

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Till 1st Feb.

Personally, I wish for some added filter operators to handle JSON array manipulation (like push and pop, for instance)…

(An idea proposed in GitHub issue #7840…)


I have finished this feature and taken you feedback. Pruning is now live, along with unused palette and theme cutting. And it’s careful to remove keyboard shortcuts for editing as well.


What I am looking for is hiding specific Tiddlers, unless a password for those is given. But the actual need for that is not urgent, as I started 2-3 days ago and need to build many more tiddlers.

I may be able to solve it by making separate wikis for each unlock able feature and require authorization for each wiki separately.

So pruning the visible part is helpful, but it is only half of the solution.

You can use this plugin: Encrypt Tiddler Plugin — Encrypt single tiddlers

Then you can filter out the tiddlers that have a non-empty “encrypted” field

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