More social stuff?

A while ago someone new to the tw chat said we should be on platforms that;

So… Did we ever set up an intro thread?
Should we set up some more social threads?

Wordle 233 4/6

A wordle thread?
An actual fizzbuzz thread where people just add the next number fizzing and buzzing in the correct spaces obviously.
A word association thread…
I don’t know… What do other forums do for fun?
Or am I missing the point? (quite possibly…)

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I’m just going to add my 2 cents for the discussion, although maybe it’s more applicable to the previous thread. Of course it’s hard for those of us who have been involved with TW for awhile to really be objective about this. I will say we have a number of low barrier means of reaching the community of users beyond Talk TiddlyWiki. (Reddit, Discord, Google Groups). However I believe very strongly that open source projects should “talk the talk and walk the walk” when it comes to choosing the right platform for building community. At a certain size, an email group is fine, but the choice of the communication platform should match the values and spirit of the project. (By not being hosted by another tech company, Talk TiddlyWiki is meeting and exceeding my expectations in this regard).

That being said I think having a more relaxed category for introductions and social talk would be a good thing.

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Twitter is quite quiet but significant …

Telegram is significant but still fragmentary and not so easy to access, though if you on Telegram try … “Tiddlywiki”

Just a side note.

No hablo Español.

As a result, I’m not joining that Telegram group.

The @Tiddlywikier group on Telegram has a fair amount of Chinese and, well, 我不会说中文。

(Thanks, Google Translate, for the English-to-Chinese translation.)

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I’d like to add into this!

I personally stay very active on reddit, for mutliple subreddits (you can find me as u/Silevence) and I find it to be pretty barren, but I think it could have a good deal of potential.

One of the features I enjoyed about Google Groups (Though overall I wasn’t a fan of the service itself) was the email overview feature it had, so that’s something for consideration as well.

Another key point is often times I find myself working on spare TW projects at work during slower or just down times, but with restricted access, sites like Twitter are inaccessible, for obvious, if not understandable reasons, of course.

Overall, I think using GG was a good starting ground, but it felt dated and a little cluttered with navigation and finding useful information, but with this current site, I think it has a good deal of potential, maybe more so than the other Social Media platforms, but that’s just my two cents in the matter!

Right. TW on Telegram is somewhat all over the shop. With several channels in mixed languages.

I had thought about making a new one that is a bit more easy to contribute to but lack the time to sustain it with the needed throughput.

Side comment

It is also worth mentioning that our BDFL, @jeremyruston, is proactive on Twitter at … he is always worth reading.

Side note

Right. One thought I had was that it should be possible in Discourse to create short friendly intro posts that could also be posted to all the other major social-discussion fora.

A big social-network issue “out-there” is TW info tends to get fragmented.

So I was thinking “how to inter-connect the fora better?”

Just a comment