This reply is directly related to the OT " Money – Open Source & TW" in my view. Its about advertising as revenue.
That is a bit harsh, you chould agree to disagree, as I will, and object to the idea not the person, because “I think your ideas about advertising are wrong”. Express your view, fine, but you are not the “enforcer here”.
- First I suggested opt in
- But Its important to separate adds from recommendations
- Secondly I believe I have a right, and thus others, to be free from advertising and abuse of my attention. It is the lowest level class of revenue raising in my view.
- Maybe, but that does not alter my objection
- This is an option but I feel my arguments still stand, and if we are to choose to take this path, I think my points need to be considered (not dismissed).
4.1 Often actual “add revenue” is slow low, one thoughtful and supportive persons donation will exceed it. Yet, how many supporters do you loose with advertising?
I know my views are not so well known but there is a growing trend that rejects advertising everywhere, with people happy to pay to avoid it as long as its not black mail. Smarter people than me are saying an increasing number of people and organizations are rejecting the “attention seekers”.
- Decades ago Australia rejected large roadside bill boards everywhere, as does much of Europe. This is an example of the same issue. We have more views, safer roads and more attention. Some countries are ugly with billboards.
On community participation
Just imagine yourself chatting to strangers at a real “in person, get together” on a shared subject or interest. We are social animals and we are able to object without harsh or insulting ways of speaking.
- This is the same way we should behave here and in social media.
- We should not behave here in a way that in the physical world may result in being “escorted from the premises”.
- Although I think brevity is fine, it should not be directed at a person.
- If someone does not consider this, people will eventually freeze them out, bypass, avoid or ignore them.
To be a better person and community member it is important for us all to
- Respect others views
- Always consider your own view point may prove wrong
- Challenge ideas not the person
- Be prepared to change your mind
- Speak from your perspective not as if what you say is absolutely true.
- Not withstanding the above, we need to accommodate diversity, especially neurodiversity.