Missing tiddlers are not shown in the select widget created from field values

I have noticed that missing tiddlers are not shown in the select widget created from field values.

In this tiddler, click on the select widget to the right of keyword.

Blank spaces are seen in the dropdown since those tiddlers are missing.

Is this the expected behavior ?
This select widget is created using field values of a tiddler-field called keywords. I am not creating a separate tiddler for each keyword while entering keywords into the tiddler fields.

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>has[param1-value]!has[param2-value]]">
<$select field='param3-value' default=''>
<$list filter=<<select1-3>>>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'/></option>
</$select> &nbsp; <<delete-param3-value-button>>
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>has[param1-value]has[param2-value]]">
<$select field='param3-value' default=''>
<$list filter=<<select1-2-3>>>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'/></option>

This is the part of code for above mentioned select widget. Is this behaviour due to something being wrong in the code used.

Do all the tiddler s have a caption field?

If they do not your code does not fall back to title. I can look closer at the code later today +8 hours

Those are missing tiddlers…I haven’t created tiddlers for all keywords I enter.

I guess I will have to sit and create all those tiddlers

As Tony suggested, replace <$view field='caption'/> with <$view field='caption'><$view field='title' /></$view> and the option displayed will fall back to the value of <<currentTiddler>> if there is no extant tiddler by that name, or if the tiddler exists but lacks a caption.

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I thought it was an issue with select widget. I never bother to checked the view widget docs. I should have solved it long before. Thank you @etardiff and @TW_Tones for the help