Missing "thank you" in reaction emojis

But those aren’t wide eyes.

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It seems like we want something more like clapping hands:


Edit: Which we already have.

Okay. Point taken. Is this better? …

I meant the emoji eyes - :eyes:

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It was originally supposed to be a high five, so more like ‘Congratulations.’ But in the Christian world I inhabit, it tends to get seen as ‘praying hands.’ So in my opinion it doesn’t work as ‘thank you’ except maybe in limited contexts.

Ahhh… Hands from two different people… Both wearing blue!!

To throw some more confusion:

  • My first instinct is to always interpret :pray: as praying and it takes me a while to recognize it being used differently
  • I’ve seen :eyes: used mostly in contexts you’d use >_>, that is a playful shifty look when you’re teasing someone
  • I’d say I’ve seen :clap: being used ironically more often than unironically.

Goes to show how nurture gives meaning to pictograms :).