I need a tag picker to select a tag from a LONG list of tags and decide to use a more compressed tagcloud instead of a selection list tag picker. The tag-pill macro example from Eric in this post did the trick for me : https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/-jpFgTDJBd8/m/5d5byf0aAwAJ
There is a minor problem : Display of each tag pill has a preceding quotation mark. This seems to come from within the tag-pill macro.
Would like to seek advice on how to remove it. Buttons instead of tag-pill macro work equally well except I have no idea how to style a button to look like a tag pill.
My codes:
title: Tag Menu
\define tv-wikilinks() no
Tag : <$edit-text tiddler="Tag Menu" field="selection" default="" size="30"/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/tagpickerState" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/tagpickerState" setTo="show">Select</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/tagpickerState" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/tagpickerState" setTo="hide">Select</$button>
title: tagpicker
\define actions() '<$action-setfield $tiddler="Tag Menu" selection=<<__tag__>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tagpickerState" text="hide"/>'
<$list filter="[tags[]!is[system]sort[title]]" variable="currentTag" >
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" element-tag="$button" tag=<<currentTag>> actions=<<actions>>/><$count filter="[<currentTag>tagging[]]"/>
Thanks in advance !