Migrate Tiddlywiki to org-roam

Hi! In my latest blog post I show several techniques how to export my tiddlers in order to be imported into org-roam.

Maybe this might be useful for anyone willing to use another storage mechanism for their notes.


Thanks @dorneanu for sharing back to the community, I expect it is only directly of value to those using org-roam, If you could you tell us a little about why you are using both and what are the strengths of org-roam? others may be more interested.

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It’s not that I’m using both. I just realized that after years of using Emacs I was no longer using the web UI of Tiddlywiki. Instead I was editing the raw “.tid” files (I’m using the nodeJS installation method).

As I’ve mentioned in the blog post, I’ve found stroll quite helpful since it allowed me to split the window into 2 columns so I could edit multiple tiddlers at the same time. However, modifying the text itself (marking words as bold, inserting quotes, code blocks etc.) was quite time-intensive compared with the awesome editing features of Emacs. I would consider myself a strong keyboard-centric user, that’s why it felt more natural for me to edit files directly in Emacs rather than in Tiddlywiki.

While I still like Tiddlywiki for its built-in web UI, I think hugo provides better options to style your site, use pre-defined templates for listing single pages, categories pages etc.

I haven’t met yet people using TiddlyWiki and Emacs the way I do and at the same time it felt for more that I have to decide for one or another. But why not have both? That’s why I thought it might be a good idea to show people how to actually use Tiddlywiki’s built-in functionalities (like the render templates) in order to export the tiddlers to a structure that fits your needs (in my case it was ORG mode since I was it everywhere)

I wish there was the Elisp version of stroll :smiley:

Thanks again for sharing, it’s is interesting how many purposes people put tiddlywiki to and their preferences.

  • So as I understand it your key interest is “generating static sites?”.
  • I am not an EMACS user, but I have used “external editors” to edit tiddler text fields in the past, which is another approach. However with all the tools and techniques, I almost exclusively edit in TiddlyWiki now.
  • We do have heavy keyboard users in the community and quite a few keyboard oriented solutions have being developed along with new shortcuts defined.

The export mechanism in TiddlyWiki is highly configurable and can also generate multiple files and/or add to zip files.