Merge divergent wikis?

I recently noticed that I have two versions of the same wiki which have diverged. I don’t know for sure how much they’ve diverged – the sync service I used to keep them in sync wasn’t working, and I added and changed content in both copies separately.

Is there a straightforward way to merge them? Grab all the tiddlers from one of them, put them in the other, ignore duplicates, and display conflicts? Or some procedure by which I can accomplish that?


The same thing happened for me. It was my cookbook wiki, and thus recipe tiddlers. That made it quite easy to see from what date they differed, and I could drag and drop by hand.
Exporting your tiddlers and importing them into the other wiki, you are told if you are trying to import a tiddler with the same name as one the wiki have. Then do not import the tiddler. Hopefully you will not end up to having too many tiddlers to compare.

If you clone one and open it you can import the other html file and review the differences or select which to keep .

Depending on what you know about your two wikis you can even build fildered exports, you then import to a new combined wiki.

Consider adding an upgrade to the latest version 5.2.0 in this process.

Thanks for the advice, Birthe and TW_Tones. Here’s what I ended up doing…

  • update both versions to 5.2.0

  • drag and drop one into the other to pick up extra tiddlers

  • decompose both wikis into folders, using the command “tiddlywiki --load wikifle --savewikifolder wikifolder” to turn them into folders full of tiddlers, then used “diff -r” to find the few places where there was still a conflict between the two, and harmonized them by hand.

I think I’m set!