Memory leak in server on Windows

I seem to have a memory leak on the server side. I’m running TW servers under NSSM on Windows 10 and the memory use gradually increased, even when there are no client side wikis open in browser.

Any knowledge, opinions or hints would be appreciated.


Hmmm, I’ve not seen that, and I run a similar configuration at work, with half-a-dozen wikis running as individual services, configured with NSSM.

How long do these stay running between reboots? For me, it’s usually about a week; perhaps if the machine stayed up longer, I’d see it too.

Hi Scott,

I was running about 30 wiki processes (actually about 10 but each had three network paths so needed different servers). The memory would get to 99% in a day or so. But after disabling all but one, it took much longer. With Performance Monitor, the graph of % committed bytes and available MBytes would then change very slowly but steadily.

– Calvino