MD to Tid now support massive transform

This plugin add a view toolbar button to transform Markdown tiddler to WikiText tiddler.

And now you can transform with a filter:

  <$list filter="[tag[xxx]]">
    <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-md-tiddler-to-tid" $param=<<currentTiddler>> />
  Click me!

To completely switch from Markdown to WikiText, where we only have a WYSIWYG editor for WikiText.


This example produces wrong result.

1. **Introduction to Process Simulation**
    - 1.1 Importance of Process Simulation
    - 1.2 Overview of the Simulation Process
    - 1.3 Applications in Chemical Engineering

2. **Overview of DWSIM**
    - 2.1 Introduction to DWSIM
    - 2.2 Key Features and Capabilities
    - 2.3 Installation and Setup

3. **Setting Up a Simulation**
    - 3.1 Creating a New Simulation Project
    - 3.2 Navigating the DWSIM Interface
    - 3.3 Importing and Exporting Data

4. **Thermodynamic Models and Property Packages**
    - 4.1 Introduction to Thermodynamics in Simulation
    - 4.2 Common Thermodynamic Models
    - 4.3 Selecting and Using Property Packages

I opened the
Created a markdown tiddler
Copy pasted the above text into the tiddler body
Saved and clicked on toolbar M->T button.

I got

# ''Introduction to Process Simulation''
# * 1.1 Importance of Process Simulation
# * 1.2 Overview of the Simulation Process
# * 1.3 Applications in Chemical Engineering

# ''Overview of DWSIM''
# * 2.1 Introduction to DWSIM
# * 2.2 Key Features and Capabilities
# * 2.3 Installation and Setup

# ''Setting Up a Simulation''
# * 3.1 Creating a New Simulation Project
# * 3.2 Navigating the DWSIM Interface
# * 3.3 Importing and Exporting Data

# ''Thermodynamic Models and Property Packages''
# * 4.1 Introduction to Thermodynamics in Simulation
# * 4.2 Common Thermodynamic Models
# * 4.3 Selecting and Using Property Packages

Despite a few manual touches that might be needed (like extra # in the beginning of lines, I use BBEdit for this…), most of my ChatGPT content can now be easily converted from markdown to tiddlywiki text. It saves me a lot of work.

Thank you!