[MCL] It's CSS Is Mind-blowing

I been trying to document @BurningTreeC’s MCL fairly.

In the process I looked at the CSS for it.
Man, it is super sophisticated! …

A comment, TT

Yes you are right @TiddlyTweeter, and that is a lot from you with css skills, its almost “Greek to me” (because I cant read or speak Greek except for a few, usually rude, words a Girlfriend taught me decades ago) .

I observe the tiddler you point to contains macros to use for styles.

  • I cant find anywhere how and why sometimes people use backticks within macro definitions
  • Interesting he is applying \rules within some macros
  • He seems to be using custom media @media (prefers-reduced-motion)


It is a very advanced example of the kind of CSS system TW can do other systems don’t.

It includes …

  • “static CSS” (i.e. just fixed rules)

  • dynamic CSS values uptake

  • use of filters for CSS

The content type here cannot be “text/css”; but, rather has to be: “text/vnd.tiddlywiki”.

I find it very interesting, how far it goes.



@BurningTreeC’s clever use of motion was noted by @JanJo too; impressed with the result—like me—neither of us clear on the magic behind it.

Actually we don’t need to know, so long as it works! :smiley: