Managing my TiddlyWiki with WebDAV and Tailscale

This just reading up on rclone

Essential swiss penknife for juggling cloud storage in an nice old fashioned emacs unixy way

I use Dropbox largely because huge visual archive for a long-term ongoing “book” project == courseware library I am curating
//// Where nonlinear meets sequential collections of images and text (and any media)

I need and want the intertwingling functions, but I also really need to use that to craft and publish subsets that are really lucidly structured very visual articles.
They have well tuned sequence which be adapted and included or excluded from other or related works.

I have Médiathèque digital warehouse.
And several thousand books and other references…

I’m always looking for better nicer fast graphics friendly agnostic tools.

voidtools everything (1.5) is awesome
fast powerful very clever

But the hardest part with highly visual illustration rich material (books, magazines, slideshows , presentation, teaching resources, videos etc
) always it is the struggle building inline offline tags, context, notes, text — sequences and collections.

Tiddlywiki5+ has got do much going for it.
But it can be nightmare to manage clean aesthetic that also needs to work like all the great classic workflows of book design & production, magazine,video.

The graphic design and production tools out there are mostly very powerful.

But they don’t keep the notes (text, hypertext) => the context / together or freely accessible with visual material.

Tiddlywiki holds some keys to this.
But it’s been missing a few crucial key perspectives in it’s noble development, I feel.

This a rambling post… I’m sorry.
I need to write a proper post to communicate clearly with you all here on Talk.
The irony beats the need::
I largely a visual thing.
And these forums make that so hard.


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