Macro currentTiddler parameter by default

Newby and non english spoken question !!! thanks for your patience

global mymacro :
\define mymacro param1: “the current Tiddler by default”

in each thistiddler :
mymacro thistiddler works
mymacro don’t work

why ?
How write the name of current Tiddler as parameter1 by default ? I try << {{ {{< …

Must write two macros ?

  1. define mymacro1( tiddlerparam) : I can use {{$tiddlerparam$!!fieldA}} and i can use myothermacro $tiddlerparam$
  2. define mymacro2() : use {{!!fieldA}}
    but I can’t use myothermacro

Perplixity or my web search give me wrong solution, outdated solution, too complex solutions…
Yet this is the first script we are trying to make when we enter in TiddlyWiki!

Thanks !

Try this:

\define mymacro(param1:<<currentTiddler>>)
PARAM1 = <<__param1__>>


<<mymacro "something">>


Thanks for your answer.
Your solution doesn’t work in a table. Please try in a tiddler :
(I put there all the possible)

\define Dim(t:<<currentTiddler>>)

| table |k
| n  | colA | colB |
| 1 | {{t!!Unicité}}  |  t   |
| 2 | {{r!!Unicité}} |    r    |
| 3 |  {{<<__t__>>!!Unicité}}  |  <<__t__>>  |
| 4 | {{$t$!!Unicité}} | $t$   |
| 5  |{{$r$!!Unicité}} |  $r$    |

<<Dim Unicité>>

NB I add spaces for wrtitting
[CODE BLOCK FORMATTED BY SPRINGER — feel free to edit @paulTW]

Your solution doesn’t work in a table
Only command 2 line 4 works
Thanks for your help

Paul, tu peux inclure des blocs de code dans tes messages en les encadrant par une ligne qui contient uniquement trois “backticks” à la suite, comme dans tiddlywiki.


Mon code

donne ce résultat :

Mon code


to share wikitext, you can use this: Share — tools to share tiddlers via URLs

It’s easier to help you that way

@paulTW here are 3 working solutions for you to choose from:

\define Dim(t:<<currentTiddler>>)
<$wikify name="r" text=<<__t__>>>

| table |k
| n  | colA | colB |
| 6  |<$text text={{{[<r>get[Unicité]]}}}/> |  <<r>>    |

\define Dim2(t:"")
<$let r={{{[[$t$]!is[blank]else<currentTiddler>]}}}>

| table |k
| n  | colA | colB |
| 6  |<$text text={{{[<r>get[Unicité]]}}}/> |  <<r>>    |

\procedure Dim3()
\function get.Unicité() [<t>get[Unicité]]
<$parameters t=<<currentTiddler>>>

| table |k
| n  | colA | colB |
| 6  |<<get.Unicité>> |  <<t>>    |

<<Dim Unicité>>


<<Dim2 Unicité>>

<<Dim3 Unicité>>

If you’re using latest TiddlyWiki version, I would recommend the Dim3 procedure+function version.


Try this:

\define Dim(t:<<currentTiddler>>)
<$tiddler tiddler=<<__t__>>>

This will set the currentTiddler within the macro to whatever you’ve passed in. Then, you can use just the field reference – {{!!Unicité}} – without needing to explicitly provide the tiddler title.

Alternatively, rather than using the {{!!fieldname}} transclusion “short form” syntax, you could use a full $transclude widget, like this: <$transclude $tiddler=<<__t__>> $field="Unicité"/>

or, you could use a “filtered transclusion”, like this: <$text text={{{ [<__t__>get[Unicité]] }}}/>. Note the use of the $text widget which causes the filtered transclusion result to be rendered as plain text instead of a link to the displayed field value.


Before anyone else followed up for @paulTW, I spent a long time trying to find a solution based on that kind of code, @EricShulman but the solution was not passing <<currentTiddler>> properly (was passing it as literal text)… For the “annals of failure” archive, here’s the documentation of where/why I got stuck:

(The $t$ result was good for the default (currentTiddler) but would break tiddler names with spaces — it failed exactly where <<__t__>> succeeded. UPDATE: … And using "$t$" works and fails exactly parallel to <<__t__>>)

The parameters widget was going to be my next approach… Luckily, the reply with solutions by @tw-FRed showed up after some time, and put me out of my misery!

EDIT: Nudging for a general discussion of this problem in new thread [EDIT #2 — I removed that thread before it got any replies, not confident that this is a constructive discussion at this moment]

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Try putting quotes around it


Ugh, that’s among the variants I thought I had tried! …

UPDATE: Well… yeah that fixes the multi-word titles BUT BREAKS the currentTiddler (passes <<currentTiddler>> as dumb text to the tiddler widget). That’s the headache…

So… do you see any simple syntax to get consistent results when the <<currentTiddler>> parameter is declared up top in the \define pragma line?

No. I think it’s an inherent part of WT structure. You can’t define dynamic defaults for a macro. What I’ve done in the past is to have one macro call a second, helper macro. See code below.

Of course, “\define” is now deprecated, so procedures with the parameter widget are the way forward. Not entirely intuitive, but at least documented.

\define Dim(t)
<$vars t={{{[<__t__>is[blank]then<currentTiddler>else<__t__>]}}} >

\define DimHelper()

@@<<t>>@@ `underscores` variant:
    <$tiddler tiddler=<<t>>> <$link/> </$tiddler><br>
@@<<t>>@@ `dollar-signs` variant:
    <$tiddler tiddler="$(t)$"> <$link/> </$tiddler><br>

<<Dim "Quick Start">>

Yes, I was suspecting that things like this were the reason for deprecation, and introduction of parameter widget.

It’s frustrating for novices that it seems to work — until it doesn’t… and specifying the default parameter inline is just so much more intuitive and readable.

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Well, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it :upside_down_face: