Macedonian Translation

Hello everyone,

My name is Nikola Dio Petkovski, and I’m from North Macedonia.
I recently translated the TiddlyWiki in Macedonian language. Everything from the interactive website following the steps from the tabs.

I was trying to send this translation via an e-mail to @jeremyruston
I’m not sure if this was the right address but I think it didn’t went. (anyway, after that I made some additional changes to the translation so please use this finalized version and not from the mail)

Macedonian Translation.html

A shared link from my MegaCloud account

This is also my first time when I got involved into an open-source project, even though I’m a Linux user who use only FOSS software for my work and productivity for years. But for some reason, I got very interested in TiddlyWiki and I wanted to contribute and be part of this project.

Here are some additional information for this language plugin:

Translator: Nikola Dio Petkovski
Name: Macedonian | Македонски
Initials: (MK-mk)
Flag: :macedonia:

Best regards,

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Hi @Dio

Great stuff, many thanks for your contribution. I find it personally very gratifying when we receive a new translation. It is important for TiddlyWiki to be universal, which implies making it accessible to everyone in their native language. We’ve strived to make a system that makes it possible for non-technical users to create translations. The reward is that we now have 33 language plugins, and I hope have therefore been able to serve the broadest possible audience.

I have added your translation in this GitHub commit. It is now part of the prerelease for the next version of TiddlyWiki.

You can test the translation out at

If you want to make further changes, use the Translators edition at

By the way, I did receive your email but it had gone into the spam folder. I do review my spam folder regularly, so I hope I would have picked up the message eventually.

Best wishes and many thanks,



Thank you for your reply! :smile:
I’m happy to hear that I can be of some help.
Also, I’ll do my best to spread the word of TiddlyWiki so that more people will know about this software.

One more thing. I noticed in the link for making further changes at:
next to the language name there is the old FYROM in capital letters.

But considering that our country changed its name to North Macedonia in 2019, it should be changed here as well so that there is no misunderstanding.

Thank you again,
Have a great day!


Great thank you @Dio, I’ve made the update. It will take a few minutes for the prerelease to be updated but you should see the change there in a few minutes.

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