Maarfapad: retired hosting service for TW5 now open source

I recall making a promise to some of you that I one of these days I’d open source the now retired hosting service for TiddlyWiki. Here it is:

Peruse the readme before you decide to do anything serious with it. Have fun.


Oneplaybook? That’s new to me. Very interesting concept.

And I love the logo - very clever!



Thank you for liking it, but we changed the logo :see_no_evil:

I felt it was clever too but people felt it was too tacky. Did we make a mistake to move to the triskelion??

I’d say a unique and original design (the former logo) is better than any non-original prior art.

But, as they say, there’s no accounting for taste. :confused:

You can say that again!

Okay. There’s no accounting… :grinning:

This is the design we’re using right now. We’d appreciate your thoughts. The triskelion implies 3 people joining one hands with a shared mind (dot) implying collective intelligence. A relation who is a professional designer loved this one better than the other :grinning:

Note this is just a high fidelity demo.

As I implied above, I’d take issue with joining a throng of others using that same device in their logos. A simple search would have been my first step before committing to it. Hence, the OPB logo wins hands down for me.

Tell your relation to go design something :wink:


Same here. The Opb logo looks labyrinthic and intertwingled at the same time. Modern. Reminds me of a printed circuit board.
The tri-something on the other hand looks classic, even old-fashioned and more decorative than functional. Astonishing how different two logos for the same app can be. Might be a cultural thing you should check with potential customers.

Thanks for all that wonderful feedback. Well, now I feel torn :smile:

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Who said it was tacky?

The tri-something doesn’t look like it will hold up well when used at smaller sizes. It’s kind of dull. It doesn’t suggest anything the way the logos do for the companies mentioned at the bottom of your page.

Somebody else is using it? Do you have a reference? (how does one search glyphs ?) That would definitely suggest using something else.

Well you have your environment. I dunno what it is like there. All I know is you are on-the-ball most of the time. I’m constantly amazed by what you do.

Best, TT x

Didn’t find a definitive product, no, but this search seemed to imply it’s used:


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Enough to make us rethink it. Still, there’s time to reconsider given what I’m hearing from you all. I mean, it WAS our first choice so maybe we should reconsider…

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I think so. The triskelion looks archaic, which to me sends entirely the wrong signals and message.

Saying that, I did like the tripled take on yin yang I saw – yin yang pong, anyone? :upside_down_face:

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The modern Irish Air Corps badge and the United States Department of Transportation logo both incorporate it, and variations can be spotted on the Füssen coat of arms (Germany) as well as the national flags of Sicily, the Isle of Man, and Brittany.

The modern Irish Air Corps badge and the United States Department of Transportation logo both incorporate it, and variations can be spotted on the Füssen coat of arms (Germany) as well as the national flags of Sicily, the Isle of Man, and Brittany.

Erm. Who are you quoting? Cholmondley Warner?

Just asking, TT

We’ve made the tentative decision to bring it back in the upcoming release @CodaCoder . Stay tuned.