Loop operation with JSON

Hi everyone,

I have a doubt regarding the iteration.

I created a definition json tiddler, it has this content:

    "name": "def",
    "items": {
        "case1": "option1",
        "case2": "option2",
        "case3": "option3"

And an another tiddler, with this hardcode values, and i can see the result as a dropdown.

<$set name="jsondata" value={{definitionjson}}>
    <$select field='mystatus' class='dropdown'>

But, i want to do it via list iteration,
I tried to use this, but it didnt work.

    <$list filter="[<jsondata>jsonget[items]keys[]]">
        <option><$view field="(key)" template="[<jsondata>jsonget[items][$index]keys[]]"/></option>

How can i solve this? Can anyone guide me?


Try this: code is tested

    <$list filter="[{definitionjson}jsonget[items]]">

[{definitionjson} ... directly reads the content of the tiddler
... jsonget[items]] shows the options. So you do not need to mess with the keys if you do not want to.

If you do not want to overwrite currentTiddler in your list-widget you can use variable="item":

    <$list filter="[{definitionjson}jsonget[items]]" variable="item">

hope that helps

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Thank you very much.It worked for me