Long text imported with themes - what next?

Have imported a text file with a long index to various pages of a book and short references.

After setting a tag to each theme, how to connect those tags to specific texts that appear way down the page?

Still a newbie here… argh!

Perhaps you can share a small sample of this text and contents. Otherwise it is hard to understand or help you.


Typical index list by alphabetical order:

Gouvernement etc.

Followed by pertinent “snippets” or excerpts from the book.

As in, you have a long list (possibly transclusions of pages-with-excerpts), and you’d like to show a tag for each page-with-excerpt?

(if yes, you want the tag macro)

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That sounds just about right @catter-fly

Will get on it 'n let you know how it goes, thanks! :wink:

Noticed a bunch of tag macros out there… any suggestions to which one to choose?

The tag macro result is just like the tags in the tag bar, it has a dropdown that lists everything else with that tag. (Take a peek over here [How to get unique popups in a list widget] to make sure all your tag pills don’t open at once).

The tag-pill macro result is an unlinked tag pill that otherwise looks exactly like a ‘regular’ tag pill, that theoretically one can hook actions into when you click it, but I haven’t gotten that bit to work myself.

If you’re transcluding/listing lots of pages-with-excerpts (instead of just having a page-with-every-excerpt, I’d recommend making a template (below: everything that’s highlighted was put into a new tiddler excerptTemplate, and every excerpt tiddler was tagged with its theme and given a field book with its book title) so you don’t have to fix every $list if you want to change how they look. The third option is to list everything that has a book field, by book, in alphabetical order, using the excerpt template.


Sorry for coming so late in the game… things have been hectic back here.

Plus, these codes are like algebra for me.
Even the little html coding i once tinkered with are long gone from my memory.

So, think i’ll just have to find some basic tutorials and start from scratch.