Load tiddlywiki with no tiddlers open in the story

Whilst developing a solution on my single file wiki, I “bricked my wiki” by making an error in a tiddler that as the viewtemplate tag. As a result any tiddler that loaded put the wiki into an unusable state.

  • I got around it by editing the tiddlywiki file and removing all tiddlers from the $:/defaultTiddlers and a reload opened with an empty story and I use some tools I have to edit the offending tiddler.
  • I only know how to name a tiddler to open in the address, which can help if another tiddler is causing the problem, but not if any tiddler opens.

My question is, is there a way to open the wiki using the address bar with no tiddlers opening in the story?

  • If not perhaps a way would be useful.
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Perhaps it helps opening TW with a nonexisting Tiddler?

That will work only for a subset of cases, when the view template will not show on missing tiddlers, unfortunately buttons still appear on a missing tiddler.

Good idea though :nerd_face:

This make me think, what If I create a special tiddler and a view story cascade that opens a special tiddler that bypasses the normal template, perhaps even provides some support tools?

Dependent on the solutions you come up with perhaps any new functionality+methodology might be termed “Open in safe mode” just like Windows machines etc?

Safe Mode is triggered by appending #:safe to the URL. It opens a special tiddler with some details:


However, it is possible to append #: to the URL to prevent any tiddlers from being opened:



A very helpfull feature! It would be great to see what the tiddlers were renamed to. And to be able to restore those that are not deadly with a click.

If you need a way to save a “bricked wiki” have a closer look at:

I agree here, I have long stayed away from safe mode because I am not sure how to reverse its impact.

Perhaps we should start another thread on safe mode, to boost the understanding, the documentation and we can also add the https://tiddlywiki.com/#:

  • I also think we could revisit safe modes functionality and improve it now with hindsight.
  • We could add make a copy of the wiki and try to fix that.

We need to add to “How Safe Mode Works”, “How to use safe mode”, and back out.