List the various effects tiddler can achieve by referencing which plug-in features?

Is it a good way to migrate items that have the functionality of a plug-in and know what plug-in to install again to get the right results

Any reply would be greatly appreciated!

Are you asking whether a tiddler can “automatically” keep track of which plugins are required to make them do good things?

Alas, tiddlers themselves have no way of knowing what-all is helping them to display the way we want them to display. For all the tiddler itself knows, you really wanted to see: image

Tiddlers don’t know what view templates might be invoking them, and it’s even hard to get them to track the various ways they may be transcluded in other tiddlers.

The only way to make sure your tiddlers aren’t separated from the plugins (or view templates, or css classes, or cascade-conditions) required for them to display the way you want is… to document your solutions well.

Using a field to hold such dependencies (fields called plugin-dependencies or template-dependencies or whatever) can make sense if only a few tiddlers are affected, and your future self may need a reminder.

As someone who has more than once discovered old tiddlers that clearly had gotten “orphaned” from the plugins that made them useful, I’m curious to hear about others’ best practices on this matter.


To me as soon as I would see the content displayed in sophisticated mathematics I would know such a plugin was in use because native tiddlywiki does not do this,

If the plugin is not installed and I would see the example
I also know this is not native tiddlywiki I and that it may need a mathematics plugin to display it.

But having this rudimentary understanding it is somewhat self documented and I would go to where I sourced the example to find which plugin listed most likely supports this, like the Katex plugin.

  • The list of plugins in a give wiki is in fact a defacto self documentation.

If I am writing a solution to share with others I would put in its plugin readme, and the plugin the depenancy.

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