List-table-draggable usage

TLDR: list-table-draggable is great, but if the tiddlers change, the filtered list doesn’t reflect that.

The details:
For background, this discussion really started here but since that thread is read-only, I’m starting a new thread.

So the list-table-draggable, which is here is really a great plugin, and lets us create a draggable (change the order on the fly) table of data. It’s really top-shelf, lets you do things you otherwise couldn’t, everyone should try it.

Hoping to find the author, Mat, who suggested coming over here and posting instead of at Google’s groups deal.

Basically, I’m in the same boat as before: specifically regarding “list-table-draggable”, if the filter’s criteria changes, the static list doesn’t change. So If I’m making a ToDo list, and the filter excludes tiddlers flagged with the tag “Done”, then once that “Done” tag is added to the tiddler, the table still shows the data (at least once a drag-n-drop has happened, but that’s the whole point), so the “list” field, which is a static list, never gets reset, and the task is never removed from the list.

It does drop deleted tiddlers, which is great. It just doesn’t drop tiddlers which later disqualify themselves per the filter (list-filter).

The only way I can bandaid this is to edit the tiddler, delete the list field contents, and paste in the filter again, but then I lose the sort order. So I really need to go in and edit the “list” field manually and remove the offending tiddler title by hand.

Mat, if you’re out there, any thoughts or plans on making this update?

Thanks in advance for your hard work, I understand this was complex to make.

Tagging @twMat for better hailing purposes…

@Brian - you’re catching me at a good time. My summer vacations just started and I intend to do a lot of tiddly fiddling this summer. I have another plugin that I really hope to release before the TW 5.3.0 release (on the 26th if Big J’s plan still holds) and if I succeed with that plugin, then I can look into list-table-draggable after.