List of tiddlers and belonging tags, showing only certain tags

Hi there,

I’ve got task list(s), with tasks (tag “task”), assigned to projects (tag “project”) via project-title as tag of the tasks. Some tasks have a date of submission (tag “submission”) stored in a field (“date_submission”).

Now I want to create a list, sorted by date, e.g:
22.12.2022 Project: Task1
01.02.2023 another Project: Task2

Despite getting the name of the project it’s easy for me:

<$list filter="[tag[submission]!tag[done]sort[date_submission]]">
    <$view field="date_submission" format=date template="0DD.0MM.YYYY"/>: {{!!tags}} <$link /><br>

This is nearly correct, except it obviously shows all tags of the task-tiddler. I just want to show the name of the tag, tagged with “project” - or I want to hide the tags “task” and “submission”.

I assume that this is simple … except for me. :wink:

After some further attempts, I think I’ve got it myself:

<$list filter="[tag[submission]!tag[done]sort[date_submission]]">
    <$view field="date_submission" format=date template="0DD.0MM.YYYY"/>: <$list filter="[is[current]tags[]tag[project]]">{{!!title}} </$list> <$link /><br>

Is there a “better” solution?

That looks pretty good! Instead of {{!!title}}, you could use the tag-pill macro if you wanted the tags to look like tags.

No, it’s the title of the project that should be seen, no (other) tags.
