List filter needed: show search results for the all standard tiddlers that have in their text field the regexp of the contents of tiddler 'foo'

List filter needed: show all standard tiddlers that have in their text field the regexp of the contents of tiddler ‘foo’

That is, if in tiddler foo I have space + #todo, I would like a list of all the standard tiddlers that contain space + #todo in their text fields. And if I change foo, the list changes.

Use case: I am still experimenting with a TiddlyWiki option that reproduces the Dynalist “search for hashtags” experience but without the search UI visible in the same tiddler. (I would have an edit-text area for foo in a sidebar tiddler. )

The list filter tiddler will look like this:


<h2><$transclude tiddler="foo" field="text"/></h2>


<$list filter="[!is[system]FILTERNEEDED[sort[title]] -[[Results]] -[[foo]]"><span class="grayoutlinebox">

<$transclude field="text" mode="block" />


Bumping this. After I reach 20 characters

Try this:

<$list filter="[!is[system]] :filter[search:text:regexp{foo}] +[sort[title]] -[[Results]] -[[foo]]">
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Muchos thank yous Eric! That works great!