Link completion when writing a link with partial recall of title of tiddler to be linked to

( When editing a tiddler… )

I am creating a link to another tiddler by typing manually, I know the ‘target’ tiddler has the word ‘project’ in the title but I cannot accurately remember the full title so I start typing


A small pop up appears and in this case it has found the full title of the tiddler I want to link to, the text in the pop up appears as if an active link to the ‘target tiddler’ but if I click on it nothing happens.

It’s very useful in this event that Tiddlywiki locates suggestions for the tiddler I want to link to but it would be very cool if TW went one step further so that when I click on the suggestion in the pop-up it auto-completed the link I am typing so it would convert




Some people might prefer that when they click on a tiddler link in the pop-up then the tiddler concerned is rendered on the story river - standard link behaviour - so my preference might not be universal, I guess a link completion behaviour might sensibly be limited to cases where the closing brackets have not yet been added but the pop up only seems to occur when typing an incomplete link anyway so not really relevant.

Not a big deal - it’s already very useful to have the “suggestions” feature when manually typing out a link - just thoughts on how this might be extended.

You might check out @Maurycy’s Autocomplete plugin. It has a number of useful auto-complete behaviors, including, I think, the one you’re looking for.

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Thanks Scott - I guess I was kind of wondering whether the suggested action might make it into the official product since it seems as if there is no action currently taken when someone clicks on a suggestion within the pop up so possibly a vacant space that could be filled with standard core functionality? Having said that the current situation is good - all I have to do is copy-paste from the pop-up I just mentioned it in case someone working on the core product works out it’s a trivial coding job since the search aspect has already been done.

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@jonnie45 without any additional plugins, when editing try the link icon in the editor toolbar, ctrl-L invokes it, you can “search for project”, just type project then select it from the list it will insert [[tiddler name]]. If you select something before invoking the link it will use it as the pretty link [[my selection|project name]] you can point and click on an entry or tab<enter> to select.

Thanks TW_Tones - yes I already use that and again it’s useful and relatively fast, I was really just making the observation that the automatic pop-up that occurs is so close ( well easy for me to say - perhaps not so easy to implement ) to a useful full solution that it might be worth implementing the suggested action there as well - if someone is already following the approach of typing text in the tiddler editor and a suggestion pops up close to where they are typing then it’s so close on the screen and from a usability point of view (if implemented) is the smallest mouse pointer movement etc…

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Are you using a plugin that adds the suggestion popups? I’ve never noticed this behavior in the core TW editor, though I have seen at least a couple plugins that provide the clickable dropdown you’re looking for (Maurycy’s, and the earlier Edit-CompText plugin).

Ahh sorry my mistake yes I just looked at installed plugins and you are right - the edit-comptext plugin appears there. Whoops sorry for this - sorry to waste folks time