TotallyWiki has the advantage of being really really close to TiddlyWiki, but avoiding the negative charge.
Like, totally, dude!
TotallyWiki has the advantage of being really really close to TiddlyWiki, but avoiding the negative charge.
Like, totally, dude!
My proposal is SpanWiki.
But Jeremy also said:
But, if I were ever to move on to a new version that was not intended to be fully backwards compatible then I would be inclined to adopt a new name.
So, unless I’ve missed something, if the name is to be changed, I don’t think it’s anything to do with the size of the community, but rather whether Jeremy decides to do a new version.
They can not claim it as much as they would like, it was a common english term if not a colloquialism before Zuckerberg had his reinvention dream/nightmare just because Facebook is going sour.
I don’t think so.
It is just un-patentable usage.
A comment, TT
I love a guessing competition and find brainstorming more effective as a personal event one later “socialises”. I have done a little, but will share more later, and I am not totally in favor of a name change.
Perhaps rather than abandon tiddlyWiki, which has serious good google juice, I have always said start with a good compound like “TiddlyWiki Platform” and a phrase, like but not limited to “a non-linear personal web notebook”.
However along the line of what jeremy said;
What if we did a Fork of tiddlywiki with another name, with “built on tiddlywiki” in the “fine print”.
A fork could be done to introduce some of the ideas in TWX that have being raised, but careful design could permit one to leverage tiddlywiki under the covers. Perhaps a fork could be as simple as a new “default layout” with a somewhat more fashionable and functional look, even if not backward comparable because of some key “reinventions” the differences could be in a ways where the vast majority of wikitext and widgets were there just different ways to customise and hack core features would be different and come with comparative doco.
I must admit, whilst I love the Wiki concept tiddlywiki is more even than a smartwiki today.
I like fractals, perhaps there lies opportunities?
I like quine as long as its non-trivial like most
TW can be a App/website/document/wiki/platform/server
an aside
What is intelligent document processing?
Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) converts unstructured data. Both unstructured and semi-structured data can be converted into structured, usable information, providing end-to-end automation to document-centric business processes.
Imagination is unlimited, making a decision much harder.
So HOW is that done?
Just asking, TT
See also this thread on googlegroups!
We were discusing this two years ago!
Mamma mia! I have a headache TT
@TiddlyTweeter Well the name does not need to be an exact fit for what is tiddlywiki, otherwise tiddlywiki couldn’t evolve anymore without changing it’s name. IMO At best it should reflect a core feature (e.g : windows → in reference to the program windows), its philosophy/concept (wikipedia → encyclopedia + wiki), at worst I personally think it’s fine if it sounds “cool” or it is easy to remember/type/say (chrome, joplin, …). I was just tossing some ideas around to get the thread started.
Different names for different editions is a good solution but the “base” of these editions would need a name, and tiddlywiki seems problematic.
And I like your idea It may induce some confusion with the engine builder company however.
@CodaCoder Very true. Please everyone, suggest a name + explanation of why you think the name is good/fitting. There is nothing official here, it’s more like a fun thought experiment that may be a useful reference one day if @jeremyruston do decide to change Tiddlywiki’s name.
@Jon Good point. I guess it would have been more accurate to say that we are brainstorming a name for the next version of tiddlywiki ! I will edit the title of this thread to reflect that, and make a note in my original post, thanks
@Justin_H I like SilkWiki, a tiddler could be a thread (silk thread)! Once we have enough of suggestions, a poll would be a good idea, yes.
@Offray Pronunciation is a good think to take into account, yes. I like your Fractal idea, even thought tiddlywiki certainly doesnt like infinite recursive transclusion
Hello everyone,
I have suggested the following name to Jeremy a while ago as in my opinion perfectly describes TW. I am curious what the community thinks about it.
Holon - meaning (simultaneously) whole and part. This word in itself is not specific to any field of study and yet it applies to all of them. Reality is built based on this system from the smalles units to the largest ones and so does TW. In TW’s ecosystem Tiddlers, nested/compund tiddlers at all levels, and in the end even the single TW-file itseld are all holons…
Brief Wikipedia link - not completely accurate
More detailed Brief history of holons
But it does love “recursive transclusion”
Perhaps not, a thread of silk is like a set of silk(s), tags and other things thread info together they are not elemental, a thread is a relationship between things. A thread is perhaps an idea, not an atom/tiddler.
We could however explore a Fabric theme, which is like the fabric of the universe
I’m in favor of something which is as simple as possible. As in if the word itself is obscure, then you fall into the same problem with TiddlyWiki is people will fixate on the meaning of tiddly or mycelium (which to me these sort of fungal connotations always remind me of doom/stoner/psychedelic music)
I propose, based on the previous discussions in the Google Group, something like TWX or TXWiki. The name need not be complicated
I liked holon connotations and naming. We have a wiki called Holonica and is a word play with the idea of holographic composition (part and whole at the same time) for wikis. The oldest version is working with Dokuwiki, but now that I have come back to TW I am building a TW powered version of Holonica. Something like holowiki could work but the domain is currently parked and in sale just for €19990 (you know, because “everybody” thinks with such prices that is closer to €19K that to €20K ).
In favor of non-complicated names, I would add considerations about pronunciation beyond English. I think that TXWiki (te equis wiki, in Spanish) or TWX (te doble ve equis) are not well pronounced in Spanish and in general something with a lot of consonants together or only consonants becomes pretty strange in romance derived languages (maybe in contrast with Saxo-Germans derived).
I’ll throw in: Liiki – the List-based Wiki
It also means skin, which might be of some use for analogies?
Probably five years ago too…
I offered this in 2020: Orangutan: Outstanding Ruston App eNabling Great User Tagging And Notetaking
Don’t judge by the looks!
Orangutans are strong, smart and resourceful. - And the name is for the app - created by Ruston.
Let me add that many beginners finding learning Tiddlywiki rather hairy.